Quentin Destieu, Sylvain Huguet, 2014-2015
© Luce Moreau
© Luce Moreau
© Luce Moreau
© Luce Moreau
Refonte (Remelt) is a series of basic spears and weapons, made from different electronic waste materials. The scrap metal was melted and poured into molds, echoing the ancient techniques of making primitive weapons, made of copper alloys, aluminum and gold. Between contemporary archeology and anachronistic gesture, these weapons offer a redesign of our industrial societies, a post futuristic evocation reminding us about the fragility of our systems and the warlike involvement of humanity.
These weapons suggests a radical change of direction: transforming our technology into primitive tools, placing man before his first nature, bringing the citizen back to the Bronze Age, opposing the state of nature to the social state, in a fierce contemporary “technology war”.